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Crazyradio and OpenLRS?

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:15 pm
by humblehacker
Some multirotor pilots out there might have heard of an Open Source RC platform called OpenLRS ( Normally, OpenLRS systems are purchased as transmitter modules like the models sold by OrangeRX on Hobbyking... However, far fewer people are aware that the system can be built as a DIY version based on the NRF24L01 modules! A great build log can be found here ( though others are popping up all over!
In many of the build logs it looks almost as though they are trying to build a Crazyradio though no mentions of the CR seem to turn up? Should such a mod be possible, the potential for future upgrades is limitless! For one thing, it would open the door for using the CR to control larger quads with telemetry support, FPV etc... Conversely, it would allow a Crazyflie to be controlled by an Open Source RC TX like the Turnigy 9XR!
Have any CR devs heard of OpenLRS? Has anyone tried to flash a CR with it?